The Aviation Society Constitution and Rules

1.0. name

1.1 The name of the Society shall be "The Aviation Society", to be known as, TAS and hereinafter referred to as the Society.

2.0 Objectives

2.1  To bring together and provide a service for people who are interested or concerned in aviation in all its aspects, both current and historical.  To organise outings and visits to places of aviation interests.  To arrange and hold meetings for persons interested in aviation.

2.2   The income and property of the Society shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the above objects, provided that nothing herein shall prevent the payment in good faith by the Committee, and at its discretion of:

2.3         A reasonable and proper remuneration to any member, officer or employee of the Society, being employed by the Society in any capacity as required in connection with the execution of the objects of the Society and for any other services or promotions operated by the Society.

2.4         The repayment of any expenses incurred by any member, officer or other person discharging a service for and on behalf of the Society and with the knowledge and consent of the Committee.

2.5         The payment of royalties for any item published or produced for the Society by any member, officer or other person.

3.0         Membership

3.1         It is a condition of membership that any person who makes application for membership to the Membership Secretary or other officers of the Society agrees to the above objectives and pays the appropriate subscription as detailed in paragraph 4.2 hereof, and any person whose membership application is accepted and who pays the subscription as above shall be considered by the Society to be a member in good standing, entitled to all the benefits of the Society and to take part in all of its activities.

3.2         The Society reserves the right to refuse membership to any person making application whose membership, in the opinion of the Committee, would be contrary to the best interests of the Society.

3.3         Membership Cards are not normally issued, but members may request a card, provided they send a stamped addressed envelope to the Membership Secretary.

3.4         Any member who conducts themselves in a manner likely to endanger the reputation or general good being of the Society or which does not meet with the approval of the Committee shall be liable to expulsion if a majority vote is given against this person by the Committee.

4.0         Subscription

4.1         Membership subscription shall be reviewed annually at the Society Annual General Meeting.

4.2         The subscription period shall be for twelve months commencing on the first day of the month following the acceptance by the Committee of the membership or renewal application.

5.0         Annual General Meeting

5.1         The policy of the Society shall be that agreed upon by the members at the Annual General Meeting, and shall be given effect by the Committee elected.

5.2         The Annual General Meeting shall be held in February or March of each year and the reports of the Chairman and Treasurer shall be presented thereat.

5.3         Notices of Motions to be presented at the Annual General Meeting shall be given in writing to the Secretary or Chair at least 14 days prior to the date of the meeting.

5.4         At least 28 days’ notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be given in the Society's Magazine / TAS Website.

5.5         The Annual General Meeting shall be held at a venue in the area where the greatest number of members exists.

6.0         The Committee

6.1         The Annual General Meeting shall elect the Officers and Committee of the Society, which shall consist of not more than twenty-one members, including Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary.

6.2         All Officers shall act in an honorary capacity.  The Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary shall be at least 18 years of age.  Any of the Committee members may hold more than one office if so elected by the Annual General Meeting, and if willing to do so.

6.3         The Committee shall place before the Annual General Meeting all proposals or offers for Committee Membership and the Offices (if any) which those persons wish or are proposed to hold, and shall ask for seconder’s to such proposals, and those persons who are seconded shall be voted on by the meeting, and the person who receives the most votes for each particular office or position on the Committee shall be deemed to be so elected.  In the event of an equal vote, the Chair shall have an additional casting vote.

6.4         Members of the Committee shall hold office for a period of one year or until the next Annual General Meeting if such a meeting be held at a greater or lesser time of one year after the previous Annual General Meeting.

6.5         The Committee shall meet once every calendar month or at such other times as the Committee shall decide upon, but in any case, not less than six times during one year.

6.6         Five Committee members, including at least two officers, shall constitute a quorum at Committee Meetings.

6.7         Should the Chair be present, they will automatically take the chair at Committee Meetings, or in their absence, the Vice Chair.  If either Chair or Vice Chair is not present, then the Committee shall elect a Chair for that particular meeting.

6.8         Every member of the Committee present at any meeting shall have one vote, and if the voting is equal, then the Chair of the meeting shall have an additional casting vote.

6.9         Should any member of the Committee wish to resign their office or membership, notice of their intention must be given to the Chair or Vice Chair in writing at least one calendar month before the next meeting of the Committee.

6.10       The Committee may require any of its members to resign their office or membership by a vote of at least two thirds of all the members of the Committee in favour of their doing so.  If such a vote is recorded, the particular member shall resign immediately from the Committee.

6.11       The Committee may, in the event of a vacancy occurring on the committee for any reason, have power to fill such a vacancy by nominating a Society member and shall exercise such power immediately a vacancy occurs.

6.12       Members so nominated shall resign with the remainder of the Committee at the next Annual General Meeting, but may offer themselves for election if they so wish.  The Committee may invite any member of the Society to be present at a Committee meeting, who by reason of their experience or qualifications, may be able to render assistance to the Committee in promoting the objects of the Society or assist the Committee to make a decision, but such members are not entitled to vote at any Committee meeting at which they are present.

6.13       The Committee shall have the right to form subcommittees’ for the consideration of specific business.  The Chair of any such subcommittee must be a member of the Committee.

6.14       All or any of the Committee members may offer themselves for re-election at the Annual General Meeting.  Retiring members seeking re-election to the same post shall be deemed to have been nominated and seconded.

6.15       The Committee shall keep full minutes of all Committee Meetings electronically.  These will be e mailed to all committee members after each meeting.  They will subsequently be agreed as a true record at the next meeting, or amendments made for accuracy, whichever is appropriate.

6.16       All committee members are to adhere to the "Code of Conduct for Members of The Aviation Society Committee".  The Code of Conduct is to be reviewed annually and distributed to Committee members.

7.0         Finance

7.1         The financial year shall end on the last day of December each year and the audited accounts shall be available for production to the Annual General Meeting next following such year-end.

7.2         All monies received by the Society shall be paid into a Bank Account in the name of the Society.

7.3         Expenses incurred by Committee members should be claimed in accordance with the rules set out in the Code of Conduct for the Aviation Society Committee.

7.4         Cheques shall be signed by the Treasurer, or otherwise, as the Committee shall from time to time decide.

8.0         Special General Meeting

8.1         A Special General Meeting of the Society shall be convened in the following circumstances:-

  • Upon receipt by the Chair of a request in writing signed by not less than forty members of the Society, and shall be held within 28 days of such receipt, which shall state the purpose for which such meeting is requested and the terms of any motion which it is proposed shall be placed before the meeting.

  • If the Committee at any time feels it is desirable.

  9.0         UK / Overseas Tours

9.1         To reserve a place on any tour run by the Society a deposit must be made to the appropriate tour organiser in accordance with the rates advertised in the Society’s magazine / TAS Website.  The full balance must be paid no later than the final date notified by the organiser.  In the event of a person wishing to cancel their place, a refund or part-refund may be made at the Committee’s discretion.  In the event of a person failing to join the tour no refund will be due.  Failure to pay the balance by the due date will result in the Committee having the right to expel the said person from the Society, and will result in forfeiture of any deposit paid.

9.2         In the event of a person wishing to cancel a reservation, a refund will be made at the Committee's discretion. In the event of a person having failed to join an excursion, the Committee shall have the right to pursue the claiming of any monies owing.  Failure to pay the balance may result in the Committee having the right to expel the said person from the Society.  Any part of such person’s membership subscription payment still in force will be forfeited and used to offset any monies owing.

9.3         The Committee may declare that UK / Overseas Tours shall be for members only and may stipulate any other restrictions as necessary.

9.4         Persons travelling on excursions will be under the responsibility of the respective officials, and will be obliged to respect and obey all decisions made.

9.5         The Committee shall have the right to cancel excursions at their discretion under which circumstances all monies paid in advance shall be refunded, subject to any expenses incurred.  Bona fide expenses incurred through the failure of the Society to notify patrons of the cancellation or alteration of an excursion shall be met by the Society subject to the Committee's approval.

9.6         The Committee shall make every endeavour to advertise to all members all visits and UK / Overseas Tours organised in the name of the Society.

10.0       Audit and Scrutiny of Accounts

10.1       The Society’s accounts will be subject to audit every quarter or as otherwise required by financial or VAT regulations, but in any event no less frequently than annually on 31 December (see Para 7 – Finance).  This audit shall be conducted by independent professional auditors / accountants. 

10.2       The end of year audited accounts and all accompanying financial records shall be subject to scrutiny by a scrutineer appointed by the Annual General Meeting, the scrutineer shall be a member of the Society but not a Committee member.  The scrutineer shall provide a written report to the Annual General Meeting.  If necessary, the scrutineer may be replaced by the Committee, but any elected scrutineer so replaced shall be entitled to report to the next Annual General Meeting.

11.0       Revision of Rules

11.1       Any of the above Constitutional Rules may be altered or revoked on the proposal of any member in accordance with Para 5.3, and agreed to by the majority of members voting at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting.

12.0       Votes

12.1       Votes at all meetings shall be by a simple majority of members attending.

13.0       Private Use

13.1       It is forbidden for any person to use the name of the Society solely for private purposes in any manner.

14.0       Exclusion of Damages

14.1       The Society shall not be held responsible for loss or damage to personal property, or for injury to persons participating in any of the Society's activities.

7th March 2023